European Commission proposal on a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the future of ENISA

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Proposal for a new Regulation for a stronger ENISA, the EU Cybersecurity Agency!

Jean-Claude Juncker in his State of the Union Speech this morning has confirmed a European Commission proposal for a Regulation on the future of ENISA called the “Cybersecurity Act”.

In this context, the new proposed mandate reinforces ENISA role and enables the Agency to better support the Member States in implementing the NIS Directive and to counter particular threats more actively by becoming a centre of expertise on cybersecurity certification.

It is proposed that the current role of ENISA should be strengthened in the many areas where the Agency is already providing added value, and new areas where support is needed will be added, in particular the NIS Directive, the review of the EU Cybersecurity Strategy, the upcoming EU Cybersecurity Blueprint for cyber crisis cooperation and ICT security certification.

Two of the new key areas where the Agency would play an important role are Cybersecurity crisis management and Cybersecurity certification and standardization of ICT products and services.

In addition, for the Agency to perform the tasks and achieve the objectives set in the proposal it should have a permanent mandate which would allow for a more strategic and longer term planning and thus enabling for a better preparedness to tackle the future challenges.

Speaking on the eve of the Tallinn Cyber Security Conference the Executive Director of ENISA Professor Dr. Udo Helmbrecht welcomed the proposal from the Commission on the draft Regulation for the renewal of the mandate of ENISA. “I welcome the proposal from the Commission to strengthen and expand ENISA’s mandate by addressing certification and standardisation of ICT products and better cooperation in relating to preparing and addressing cross border cybersecurity challenges in Europe. I believe that these initiatives will improve the Digital Single Market and strengthen the ICT industry in Europe. The proposal forms a good basis for the upcoming discussions with the Council and Parliament on the future of the Regulation for ENISA and the building of a stronger cybersecurity framework for Europe”.

Read the full proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on ENISA, the "EU Cybersecurity Agency